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We Still Need You - Get Involved with the Next Stage of our Campaign

Steve Griffith

NADP is a founding member and partner organization in Nebraskans for Public Safety (N4PS), the campaign that led the Decline to Sign effort this summer, and will work to ensure Repeal is protected at the 2016 general elections. Here is the latest update from Nebraskans for Public Safety:

We have successfully laid the foundation for what will be a strong General Election campaign. Because of you, we can compete with the deep pockets of our opponents. While we are going to work tirelessly to monitor the petition validation process to ensure that it is fair and legal, we are going to start looking ahead to the work that needs to be done in order to keep our broken death penalty where it belongs: in the past.

This is where you come in. One way you can help us is by writing or submitting a letter to the editor of your local paper. We are in need of letters to the editor every week in every paper across this state. We are willing to help draft the letters and assist your supporters in whatever way necessary.

In addition to letters, we are going to begin collecting hundreds of personal stories of why Nebraskans are opposed to the death penalty. We would like these stories to come from all across the state. We will create a central hub for our stories through our website where Nebraskans can go to read about why the death penalty is broken and the pain it causes so many who become ensnared in the system. Stay tuned for more information about how you can share your story.

Finally, we are looking for strong volunteers to step up and serve as “County Captains” for our general election campaign. The County Campaign will help us in three main areas:

  • Serve as a central location to mail campaign materials when necessary.

  • Research community organizations, leaders, and groups that might be willing to join our effort and passing our campaign message along to them.

  • Monitor their local papers and report any stories and LTEs relating to our issues to the campaign. This will ensure we have eyes and ears on the ground to respond immediately to any false claims made by our opponents.

Please email us at if you would like more information, or if you would like to sign up to help with letters to the editor and/or becoming a County Captain.


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