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Bud Welch Speaks at NADP Annual Event and Auction

NADP Staff

Last Thursday, Bud Welch helped spread the word against the death penalty by sharing his personal story of forgiveness and reconciliation to more than 80 people at our annual reception.

Bud’s daughter Julie was killed in the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. He said that the purpose of his talk was to “put a face” to one of the nearly 170 people killed in that bombing.

After fondly remembering his daughter’s intelligence, compassion, and vibrant personality, Bud reflected on the hatred that he felt after her death, and his realization that the death penalty could not be part of his healing process.

Bud realized that revenge and hate cannot help victims of violence find healing.

Since then, Bud has spread the word against the death penalty around the world and has counseled many others who have lost loved ones to violence. NADP would like to thank Bud Welch for coming to Nebraska and for inspiring us all to work for a justice system that truly helps all victims of violence find forgiveness and reconciliation.


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