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What's in a name?

Stacy Anderson

After several months of discussions, board members of Nebraskans Against the Death Penalty decided to change the organization’s name to Nebraskans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. The name is slightly different, but is more reflective of our overall forward-looking attitude. This change does not in any way change our mission for repeal in Nebraska, but it does call forth the wider ideals that NADP embraces.

First, we are excited to be for alternatives to the death penalty, rather than just against capital punishment. We are for a fairer system that serves all Nebraskans, by using scarce resources to prevent and solve crimes and provide the needed services to all victims.

Along those same lines, we are committed to shaping alternatives in our state to the unjust and failed practice of execution. We want alternatives that include using our state tax dollars to aid the victims of crime, rather than maintaining the death penalty system and its exorbitant costs. We want an alternative to the re-victimization of families when the appeals process drags on for years, giving the accused notoriety while loved ones relive their anguish through the media. We want the alternative of a better justice system. And we want an end to the death penalty.

We have always worked for alternatives to the death penalty, and we believe this name change reflects that commitment.


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