Organizing for Better Tomorrows!
The Nebraska Student Organizing Conference (NSOC): “Organizing for Better Tomorrows” will take place Saturday, October 10, at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Nebraska City Union.
This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about becoming an organizer in the movement to end the death penalty! Jill Francke, Director of Nebraskans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, will be presenting a workshop on Grassroots Lobbying, and NADP will have an information table at the event.
The conference is open to anyone—it is not limited to Nebraska residents, students, or young people. The conference begins at 8am and ends by 6:30pm. Breakfast, lunch, and a light snack will be provided. All attendees will participate in five hands-on workshops to expand their knowledge and skills to organize in their communities. Attendees will also have the opportunity to network with local organizations, community leaders, and fellow activists as they sharpen their skills and build toward a more unified progressive movement.
The cost to attend the conference will be $5 for advance registration and $10 for registration after Saturday, October 3. Spaces are limited, so register in advance! Learn more about the conference agenda and reserve your spot today at
For those coming in from out of town, travel stipends and over-night accommodations are available!