By Amy Miller, NADP Board Chair
“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

The disappointment we felt with the passage of the bill to implement lethal injection as Nebraska’s new and sole means of execution reminds us that perseverance is necessary. The lethal injection bill was signed into law by Governor Dave Heineman on May 28, 2009, and will take effect on August 30th. This does not mean our work is over–not right now, and not for the long haul.
Right now, we need you to do a small thing. We need you to thank the Senators who stood against the injustice of LB36. If your Senator voted in favor of this flawed and barbaric bill, please email, write, or call your Senator to express your disappointment. Below you will find a breakdown of which Senators need to be thanked and which need to hear that you feel let down.
And down the road, we will need you to do a big thing. We will need you to help us, because we’re not giving up. We will work through the summer and fall to conduct more public education forums across the state, bringing more and more voters together to oppose the death penalty. When the legislature starts up in January 2010, we’ll be right back there pushing for abolition again. So the big thing we are asking you to do is stay with us, despite this setback. We know we’re on the rightside of history–after all, just in the last year, New Mexico abolished the death penalty and many other states teeter on the brink of restoring justice too.
NADP will continue to rise up, with your help, until the battle is won. Thank you all for keeping this movement moving forward!
Below you will find a breakdown of how the 49 Senators voted. We ask that you call or email a note of appreciation to the Senators who stood with us, even if they are not from your district.
Bill to enact lethal injection- LB 36 (click to send an email)
Voting yes (34): Adams, Ashford, Campbell, Carlson, Christensen, Cornett, Fischer, Flood, Friend, Fulton, Gay, Giese, Gloor, Hadley, Hansen, Harms, Heidemann, Janssen, Karpisek, Lautenbaugh, Louden, McCoy, Nelson, Pahls, Pankonin, Pirsch, Price, Rogert, Schilz, Stuthman, Sullivan, Utter, White, Wightman Voting no (12): Coash, Cook, Council, Dierks, Dubas, Howard, Lathrop, McGill, Mello, Nantkes, Nordquist, Wallman Present not voting (1): Avery
Amendment that would have repealed the death penalty – AM1452
Voting yes (13): Ashford, Avery, Coash, Cook, Council, Dierks, Haar, Lathrop, McGill, Mello, Nantkes, Nordquist, Rogert Voting no (33): Adams, Campbell, Carlson, Christensen, Cornett, Fischer, Flood, Friend, Fulton, Gay, Giese, Gloor, Hadley, Hansen, Harms, Heidemann, Howard, Janssen, Karpisek, Lautenbaugh, Louden, McCoy, Nelson, Pahls, Pankonin, Pirsch, Price, Schilz, Stuthman, Sullivan, Utter, White, Wightman Present not voting (1): Wallman