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Connect with NADP

Jill Francke

As the world of online activism continues to grow, NADP is working to stay connected to our supporters on the World Wide Web. We are currently utilizing various social networking sites and other forms of online communication to keep you up to date with our work and activities. We hope that you will take a minute today to visit our website at We work very hard to keep the website up-to-date and informative, so check back often to see what we are up to. When you visit the website, please sign up to receive our email updates. This is the quickest and most cost-effective way for us to keep you informed about the events taking place in your area and the many ways that you can take action.

You can also become a fan of NADP on Facebook by visiting and clicking on Become a Fan. Additionally, you can follow NADP on Twitter by visiting

If you have questions about our online outreach, or if you would like to receive email updates, please send an email to


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