After two hours of debate, we overcame yet another filibuster, and the legislature voted 32-15 to repeal the death penalty. The debate today was stirring, with our allies speaking eloquently on the myriad reasons why the death penalty is a bad policy for Nebraska.
The bill will now head to the Governor’s desk, and he has promised a veto. If he vetoes the bill (we expect he will), Senators will need to come back for a fourth vote where we’ll need at least 30 votes to override the veto.
The email will be tailored to how your Senator voted, so you can easily thank them or ask them to reconsider. After emailing your Senator, please share this alert with your friends and family, then consider calling your Senator or sending a hand written note for additional impact.
Check out this article from the Lincoln Journal Star about the great debate.
We are also need more people to submit letters to the editor to their local paper. Please email Sarah at sarah@nadp.net for help submitting a letter.
Thanks for your continued support! To quote Senator Chambers, with this vote, “Nebraska will step into history.”